Top 10 Tips for Calming Anxious Pets

Top 10 Tips for Calming Anxious Pets

Pets, just like humans, can experience anxiety. It can be caused by various factors, such as environmental changes, separation from their owners, or even a traumatic event. Helping your pet cope with anxiety is essential for their well-being and happiness. This article will explore ten tips for calming anxious pets, from creating a safe space to consulting professionals.

Vet clinic. A veterinarian examines a dog with a medical stethoscope—a pet checkup.

Recognising Signs of Anxiety in Pets

Before we dive into the tips, it’s crucial to understand the signs of anxiety in pets.

Behavioural Signs

Anxious pets may display a range of behaviours, including excessive barking or meowing, destructive chewing, pacing, hiding, and increased aggression. They might also have accidents in the house, even if they are house-trained.

Physical Signs

Anxiety can manifest as physical symptoms, such as trembling, panting, drooling, or dilated pupils. In some cases, pets may experience decreased appetite or gastrointestinal issues.

Tip 1: Create a Safe Space

Providing a secure and comfortable environment for your pet is essential for helping them feel at ease.

Selecting the Right Location

Choose a quiet, low-traffic area in your home where your pet can retreat when feeling stressed. For dogs, this might be a crate or a designated room. For cats, consider a hiding spot, such as a high shelf or an enclosed bed.

Making the Space Comfortable

Add everyday items like blankets, toys, and a soft bed to comfort the space. You can also include an item with your scent, such as an old t-shirt or pillowcase, to provide additional reassurance.

Tip 2: Exercise and Mental Stimulation

Both physical exercise and mental stimulation can help alleviate anxiety in pets.

Appropriate Exercise

Ensure your pet receives regular exercise tailored to their needs. Dogs might benefit from daily walks, playtime at the park, or a game of fetch. Cats can be entertained with laser pointers, feather wands, or interactive puzzle toys.

Challenging Mental Activities

Provide your pet with mentally engaging activities, such as food puzzles or scent games, to keep their mind occupied and reduce anxiety.

Tip 3: Establish a Routine

Pets thrive on routine; a consistent schedule can help them feel more secure. Aim to feed, walk, and play with your pet simultaneously daily. Additionally, try to maintain a consistent bedtime routine to promote relaxation.

Tip 4: Use Calming Techniques

Various calming techniques can help your pet feel more at ease.

Massage and Touch

Gentle petting or massaging your pet can help them relax, as physical touch releases calming endorphins. Focus on stroking areas where your pet enjoys being touched, such as the head, neck, or back.

Calming Scents and Pheromones

Scent-based products, like pheromone diffusers or calming sprays, can help reduce pet anxiety. These products mimic natural pheromones to create a sense of security and well-being.

Tip 5: Desensitisation and Counter-conditioning

Desensitisation and counter-conditioning are behavioural techniques to help pets overcome anxieties, such as fear of loud noises or new experiences.

Desensitisation involves gradual exposure to the anxiety-provoking stimulus, while counter-conditioning pairs the stimulus with a positive experience, like a treat or praise. These techniques should be done gradually and under the guidance of a professional if needed.

Tip 6: Training and Positive Reinforcement

Positive reinforcement training can help build your pet’s confidence and reduce anxiety.

Reward-based Training

Reward your pet with treats, praise, or playtime when they display calm and desired behaviours. This will help them associate these behaviours with positive outcomes.

Clicker Training

Clicker training is a form of positive reinforcement that uses a small device to make a clicking sound when your pet performs a desired behaviour. The click is immediately followed by a reward, helping your pet make a positive association.

Tip 7: Thundershirts and Anxiety Wraps

Thundershirts and anxiety wrap apply gentle pressure to your pet’s body, similar to swaddling an infant. This can provide a calming effect and help reduce anxiety in some pets.

Tip 8: Consult a Professional

If your pet’s anxiety persists or worsens, consider seeking professional help.

Behavioural Experts

A certified animal behaviourist or dog trainer can guide managing your pet’s anxiety and suggest tailored techniques.

Veterinary Support

Consult your veterinarian to rule out any underlying medical issues contributing to your pet’s anxiety. They can also discuss potential medications or supplements to help manage the condition.

Tip 9: Consider Medication and Supplements

Medication or supplements may sometimes be recommended to help manage your pet’s anxiety. Always consult your veterinarian before administering new medications or supplements to your pet.

Tip 10: Be Patient and Consistent

Reducing your pet’s anxiety takes time and patience. Remain consistent with the strategies discussed in this article, and be prepared to adjust your approach as needed. Remember, every pet is unique and may respond differently to various techniques.


Helping your pet overcome anxiety requires understanding, patience, and persistence. By implementing the tips outlined in this article, you can create a comforting environment and support system for your anxious pet. It is always important to consult professionals, such as veterinarians and behavioural experts if your pet’s anxiety persists or worsens.


  1. Can pets sense their owner’s anxiety? Yes, pets, especially dogs, can sense their owner’s emotions, including anxiety. It is crucial to manage your stress levels, as your pet may pick up on your anxiety and become anxious.
  2. How long does it take for an anxious pet to become more relaxed? The time it takes for a pet to become more relaxed can vary depending on the individual pet and the severity of its anxiety. Be patient and consistent with the calming techniques discussed in this article, and remember that progress may be gradual.
  3. Can certain foods or treats help with pet anxiety? Some pet owners have found that certain supplements, such as calming chews containing ingredients like L-theanine or chamomile, can help alleviate anxiety in their pets. However, you must consult your veterinarian before administering new supplements to your pet.
  4. How can I tell if my pet’s anxiety is improving? Signs of improvement in your pet’s anxiety may include reduced or eliminated anxiety-related behaviours, increased appetite, more relaxed body language, and a generally calmer demeanour. Remember that progress may be gradual, and it is essential to be patient and consistent with your approach.
  5. Is it possible to eliminate my pet’s anxiety? While eliminating your pet’s anxiety may not be possible, implementing the tips and techniques discussed in this article can significantly reduce anxiety levels and improve your pet’s overall quality of life. Remember to consult professionals if your pet’s anxiety persists or worsens.